For use of the HotSwap see: though most 4G networks are marketed as unlimited, there are often charges for using too much data. Redundancy links, which run two networks simultaneously, can be expensive to run 24/7. HotSwap is an enhancement to our CrossLock VPN Technology. It allows you to designate one network as a "backup" that will only be engaged when the primary fails. The system will warn of this status with a contact closure, and automatically fallback to the primary once its restored. Backup STLs, dedicated links, and other mission-critical codec connections with this free feature that now ships included with all new purchases of ACCESS and BRIC-Link. Older IP audio codec models can take advantage of HotSwap by updating to firmware 4.3 or higher. For the ACCESS line, any supported network or modem can be a backup.
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Comrex HotSwap
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